Prices and booking conditions
The prices on this page apply to bookings for the hire of rooms for meetings, classes and group activities.
The charges below do not apply to private functions. For private function and party enquiries, please contact the Office.
Rental prices per hour - effective from 1st March 2024
A Rate - Meetings held by local not for profit clubs and groups
B Rate - Chargeable activities open to the community
C Rate - Closed meetings held by a commercial organisation
Additional chargeable items -
Use of the kitchen to make teas / coffees and light catering only - £5.00 per session
Provision of kettle - £3.00 per session
Setting up and clearing of rooms
The booking period must include time to set up and clear up the room.
All rooms come with tables and chairs for you to set up as necessary.
If you require extra chairs, or if you need any additional equipment, please contact the office in advance so that these can be made available.
Please ensure that all furniture is tidied away, and that the room is left as you found it, at the end of your session.
Use of Kitchen and equipment
When the kitchen is booked, this must be left clean with everything put away at the end of the booking.
If cutlery and crockery belonging to the Chantry is used, this must be cleaned, dried and put away at the end of the booking.
Booking conditions
The above prices are subject to the booking terms and conditions which can be viewed by clicking the button below: